Wednesday, June 4, 2008

GooGoo Kitty #2

Well, I'm happy to report that it turns out the cancer that was on Goosie's foot has gone away. Talk about a miracle. We have no idea why. But here's what we did:
1. Pray!
2. Swirl him in epsom salts water many, many times. There's a picture for you huh! We literally put warm epsom salts water in a bucket, held him over it and "dipped" and "swirled" his foot -- and often much of his body because he squirmed so much and had a general distaste for the procedure (LOL - surprise, surprise) -- in the water. We just held him up over the water and "swirled" and "twisted" him -- like the old dance!

He wasn't thrilled with any of it but he did put up with it and us. He's a good kitten. Always has been.

So... the place went away. He appears to be back to normal. Praise God! And now we consider him to be GooGoo, the Miracle Kitty! He's outlived so much more than most cats go through in his little life! What a cat!

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